Monday 17 May 2010

Squash au gratin (?)

Maybe you didn't know but I actually do cook a lot- I just always forget to take pictures of my food (also I'm really bad at arranging it on the plate so that it actually not only tastes good but also looks good). At the moment I'm doing no/low carbs after 16 h so this was my dinner last night.

You need (for 1 person)

* 1 large squash
* about 100-125 g of feta cheese (for you danes, don't buy salat tern, it's gross and expensive- go to your nearest groenhandler)
* 1 small egg
* a dash of cream or milk
* handfull of pine nutes
* spices
* random veggies as a side dish ( in this case carrots)

You do

Put the oven on 200°c.Slice the squash by its length and taek out the soft bit in the middle with a spoon. Fry it on the pan in some olive oil and if you like with some onions on a low temperature. While doing that mix the feta, egg and milk/cream in a bowl till it's a nice creamy mass. You can add whatever spices you like - I keep it simple with chili powder, salt and pepper. Take the squash from the pan and put it into some oven-safe thing and load up the fetacream on the hollow part of the squash. Sprinkle with pine nuts. Put it in the pre-heated oven and leave it in there for 20-30 minutes- it's done when it's light brown and the pine nuts are roasted but not burnt. What I did with the carrots that I cooked them in buillon for a few minutes and then fried them on the pan in the remaining olive oil and some chili powder, but you can eat it with whatever you like.


  1. Yeah, I love to see what you bloggers are eating! Great inspiration. I'll try it someday, it looks good. Are you on a diet since you cutting down on the carbs? :-)

  2. haha you got me ;-) just for the summer though, not such a fan of diets (not that i've not tried any..)

  3. Haha, yeah I know all about that - I'm trying to get into shape too, so please show some more of the food your eating :-D

  4. Hehe, I definetely will then ;-) tonight it's fish and spinach ..hope I can take a pic...
